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Business Entity Name*

Your name or the official name of your operation.

Contact Person*

Contact Email*

Contact Phone*

Business Address*

Affiliated Entities

Please provide the names of any Business Entities connected to the Business Entity or Contact Person named above that should be registered as such.

Names of Affiliated Marketers

GRP associated cooperative, private entity or other business which you market commodities through


To generate a pdf press ctrl+P, then selecte "Save as PDF"

Energy Efficiency

Precision Ag Technology

Do you utilize equipment with precision ag technology? (GPS & auto-steer)*

According to the Natural Resources Conservation Service, if global positioning (GPS) guidance systems were used on 10% of planted acres in the United States, producers would save 16 million gallons of fuel. Precision ag technology reduces fuel consumption by eliminating skips and overlaps in the field and produces a more consistent wheel traffic pattern reducing drag.


If there is no opportunity on your operation for the practice described, mark Not Applicable

Response: Yes

Do you use solar panels at your operation?*


If there is no opportunity on your operation for the practice described, mark Not Applicable

Response: No

Describe the system installed including the estimated kilowatt production range.

Do you utilize a methane digester?*


If there is no opportunity on your operation for the practice described, mark Not Applicable

Response: Not Applicable

Alternative Fuels/Maintenance

Do you perform regular equipment maintenance at least annually?

If yes, maintenance record form is required to achieve available points.

Response: Yes

Upload your own records below or use this template. If you use the template, make sure to save the file to your computer after adding your records, then upload here.

Engine Heater Timer


Do you utilize an engine heater timer?*

Diesel engines require 1-2 hours of heater operation before cold weather starts. A 1,000-watt engine heater will cost $207.45 a season to use (based on 10 hours per night, and an average electricity rate in the U.S. of $0.1383/KWh, heating season 150 days long). Operating that same 1,000-watt heater for only 2 hours each morning will save $165.96 annually.


​If there is no opportunity on your operation for the practice described, mark Not Applicable

Response: No



Do you utilize full synthetic lubricants?*

As stated on Maxtron Enviro-Edge Restores engine efficiency to deliver up to 3% improved fuel economy in extreme conditions and 2% in normal conditions.


If there is no opportunity on your operation for the practice described, mark Not Applicable

Response: Yes

What Full Synthetic brand(s) and viscosity do you use?

e.g., Valvoline 5W-30

Do you utilize semi synthetic lubricants?*


If there is no opportunity on your operation for the practice described, mark Not Applicable

Response: Yes

What Semi Synthetic brand(s) and viscosity do you use?

e.g., Valvoline 5W-30

Do you utilize premium diesel?*

As stated on Roadmaster XL Restores fuel economy by up to 5% compared to untreated #2 diesel.


If there is no opportunity on your operation for the practice described, mark Not Applicable

Response: Yes

What premium diesel product do you use?

Response: Ethanol

​If you utilize alternative fuels, what % of your total fuel usage comes from alternative fuels?

Self Assessments
Upon completing the assessment, click "Show All", click "Print", change printer to "Save as PDF", then upload the PDF in the space below.

Saving the self-assessment to your device will not only allow you to easily submit the file but provides the opportunity to review opportunities to improve in the future.

Do you utilize irrigation?


If there is no opportunity on your operation for the practice described, mark Not Applicable

Response: No

​Complete Irrigation Self-Assessment


No File



Do you utilize a grain dryer?

You do not need to complete the self-assessment if you do not utilize a grain dryer.

Response: No



Are you a dairy producer?

Saving the self-assessment to your device will not only allow you to easily submit the file but provides the opportunity to review opportunities to improve in the future.

​Complete Grain Drying Self-Assessment


No File
Response: No



Are you a beef producer?

Saving the self-assessment to your device will not only allow you to easily submit the file but provides the opportunity to review opportunities to improve in the future.

​Complete Dairy Self-Assessment


No File
Response: No
No File

Water Conservation

For those that use irrigation in production, do you follow the SMART Irrigation method? *

SMART Irrigation

  • Specific - irrigating only where needed

  • Maintained - ensure engine/motor efficiency & leak free connections

  • Alignment - contour farming reduces erosion & increases rainwater retention

  • Run-off Management - ensure water, chemicals, & soil remain where intended

  • Timely - run systems during lower heat windows to reduce evaporation


If there is no opportunity on your operation for the practice described, mark Not Applicable

Response: Not Applicable

Do you have a backflow prevention?


Do you perform required maintenance and leak inspections at least annually?


If applicable, do you practice contour farming practices?


Sustainable Practices

Do you practice crop rotation?

Why are we asking? Crop rotation results in better nitrogen use efficiency, improved soil structure, water conservation and reduced run-off, prevention of soil erosion, and also improved weed and pest control.


If applicable, do you practice contour farming practices?* 

Response: Yes

Do you utilize rotational grazing within your operation?

Why are we asking? Good grazing management increases a field's water absorption and decreases water runoff. It makes pastures more drought resistant. Additional water-saving benefits are increased organic matter in the soil and better forage cover.


​If applicable, do you practice contour farming practices?*

Response: Not Applicable

Do you plant cover crops?

Why are we asking? Cover crops reduce weeds, increase soil fertility, increase organic matter, and reduce soil erosion and compaction. This increases water's ability for soil penetration and soil's water retention capacity.


​If applicable, do you practice contour farming practices?*

Response: No

List the cover crops planted during this agronomic cycle.

Do you utilize soil health sampling?

If yes, submitting lab results is required to achieve available points.

Why are we asking? Healthy soil ecology contains important structures (organic matter) that retain water more efficiently and play a vital part of capturing CO2 emissions. Soil health testing will play a role in obtaining market access in the future.

Response: No

Do you participate in any organic production?

Why are we asking? Organic fields tend to retain greater moisture and can outperform standard non-irrigated farming practices during times of drought.

Soil health samples must contain the following:

  1. Aggregate stability

  2. Organic carbon

  3. Soil compaction

  4. Nutrient mineralization potential

  5. Plant water availability  

No File
Response: No
No File

Production Plan

Why are we asking? To facilitate market access. Providing your production plan can enable access to additional markets, both today and in the future. Your plan must include the following:


Row Crops:

  • Farm Name

  • Field Shape File

  • Tillage: no till, reduced, conventional

  • Cover Crop: Yes or No

  • Current Crop



  • Location Type: pasture, feedlot, etc.

  • Yearly Average Number Head

  • Feeding Data/Details


If you do not have access to this data, reach out to your ag retailer to help facilitate.

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