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Boy with Calf

Frequenty Asked Questions

What is Globally Responsible Production? 

Globally Responsible Production (GRP) is an organization focused on enabling market access while promoting growing practices that are both environmentally and socially responsible.


Why should I care? 

Having access to great food, preserving our planet, and protecting food security are fundamental goals that we all have. Our mission is to get access to and safeguard these rights for everyone. The only way to ensure these rights are available, not only to ourselves, but those who are most vulnerable, is by working together.


What does food security mean? 

There are two elements to food security. The basic element is the ability of all people, regardless of socioeconomic background, to access sufficient, safe, nutritious, and affordable food. The second element focuses on national defense and economic protection. Nations that serve as a food resource for populations beyond their own citizens are less of a target of military action and can also continuously generate revenue. 


What is GRP's tagline?  

Our tagline, A Mission That Matters, sums up our dedication to responsible farming and creating a better future for all. 


What is GRP's focus on child nutrition? 

Increasing child nutrition by promoting nutrient-dense foods and sustainable growing practices is a key goal of our education initiative. Through our work with schools, we are building greenhouses to provide hands-on experience growing healthy foods in urban environments.


How does GRP connect consumers with farmers?  

We aim to connect consumers with farmers by providing information points to enhance understanding and shared values. Through our program, consumers can learn more about the sustainable and ethical practices used in producing the products they consume. 


What are the benefits of working with GRP as a farmer or rancher? 

One of the key benefits of partnering with GRP is the opportunity to access new markets through our commitment to responsible farming practices. By enrolling in our program, you will have the opportunity to showcase your products to a wider audience of consumers who value sustainable and ethical practices. Additionally, there are no costs associated with participation, and we cover all the costs of the certification process for growers. We place a strong emphasis on protecting your data and maintaining your confidentiality. Our program is designed to increase market access and promote responsible farming practices without compromising the privacy of our growers. 


What type of farms can enroll with GRP? 

All types of farms may enroll with GRP. There is currently a wide variety of programs available for row crop operations. Program opportunities are always expanding. Stay up-to-date with program offers by enrolling your operation in GRP!


What commitments do farmers make when working with GRP? 

GRP farmers value sustainable farming practices, leaving farm fields improved for the benefit of future generations. Farmers can utilize the GRP system with no long-term commitment to the program, leaving them the flexibility to make the right decisions for their farms.



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